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Royal Palm Beach Homes and Condos

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Royal Palm Beach Community Information

Royal Palm Beach, a village located in Palm Beach County, was incorporated on June 18, 1959. Royal Palm Beach has grown from a primarily uninhabited natural preserved swamp and former Seminole hunting ground into a thriving village of an estimated 40,000 residents. Despite its name, the village is located approximately fifteen miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean.

Royal Palm Beach is known for its many parks and general mission to protect green space, as evidenced by the recent acquisition of 190 acres to create a master central park and the development of 25 acres preserved into a passive bird watching and nature park. Under the department’s purview are approximately 325 acres of parks and green space as well as the village’s 6,300-square-foot Cultural Center which opened in 1993.

Since 1990, Royal Palm Beach has been named as a Tree City USA. Its entire area is designated as a bird sanctuary. The village offers a variety of activities for the outdoor and sports enthusiast.

The public schools within the Village consist of “A”-rated elementary and middle schools and there are numerous private schools offering classes from pre-kindergarten through high school.

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Royal Palm Beach + West Palm Beach share 33411 + 33421. Royal Palm Beach + Wellington share 33414.

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